Dos and Don’ts of Moving Overseas with Pets

Dos and Don’ts of Moving Overseas with Pets

Moving overseas with your little furry friend is a big deal. You’ll have to take time away from your normal life, spend lots of money, and make huge changes to your lifestyle to make it happen. Here are some dos and don’ts that will help you when moving overseas with pets.

Do your research

Before moving overseas with pets, you should do your research. Make sure you’re moving to a country that allows pets, as well as one that has good laws for them. Knowing what kind of treatment dogs and cats will receive in each place you’re going is essential. This will affect how much time and money you’ll spend on them during their overseas stay.

It would be best if you also researched the local pet laws before bringing any animals. Some countries require documentation regarding vaccinations or other procedures before allowing pets into their borders. Don’t forget to ask the professional movers you plan to hire about your pet relocation. They might be able to include this service on your moving day.

Don’t assume that a dog is a service animal

When moving overseas with pets, the airline can have an issue with letting your pet on board. They can decide not to allow you to board your flight. This is especially true if the dog isn’t trained in any way. They may even ask you to leave them at home.

Suppose you’re planning on traveling somewhere with an animal companion. In that case, it’s best to find out whether there are any particular rules regarding service animals before making arrangements for transport abroad.

Do talk to airlines before booking a flight

It’s important to find out about the pet policies of the airline you want to travel with and what steps you need to take if your animal is injured during transport. You should also check whether the carrier can fit under the seat or in an overhead bin, as it may be more comfortable for them if they don’t have their own space on board.

If you’re traveling with a puppy, they must have all their vaccinations. If your pet has been injured in an accident or needs medical attention while traveling, airlines may be able to help coordinate the care they need.

Don’t let your pet out of your sight at airports

The airport is one of the busiest public places you can be. Just like you would keep “four eyes open” if you are with a child at the airport, the same goes for your pets. You will need to prepare your kids for the move, and so you should prepare your pets too. When moving overseas with pets, here are the rules for spending time at the airport with your little friend:

  • Don’t let your pet out of your sight at airports.
  • Keep them on a leash or in a carrier with enough food and water to last for several hours, as well as an easily portable pet carrier (like a backpack).
  • Bring along plenty of treats, toys, and chewable bones for them to distract themselves while you’re waiting in line or on the plane.

If you’re transporting more than one animal at once, make sure they have their own crate—one per animal! This is especially important if multiple animals require medication or special foodstuffs during the trip abroad.

Don’t move with a pregnant cat or dog

In any circumstance, you should not move or travel with a pregnant dog or a cat. You don’t want to take the risk of your pet giving birth to puppies or kittens in a new environment. This can be stressful for mother and child alike. If you are planning on moving overseas with your pets, wait until after the pregnancy has ended before making plans for relocation.

Do get your pet new tags or microchipped

Microchipping is a permanent form of identification that can be implanted in your pet’s neck, near their ear, or both. It’s a good idea to get your dog microchipped if you plan to travel abroad with him or her.

Microchip scanners at airports and other security checkpoints will read the chip and keep track of its location. This way, you don’t have to worry about losing it while traveling abroad.

This can be especially helpful if you’re planning on traveling with your dog by car or train. If you’re driving across the border, it’s also a good idea to make sure that your pet’s microchip is up-to-date with the correct contact information and address of his home.

Do get all of the permits you need for travel day (on time)

When traveling with pets, it’s important not to wait until the last minute to get all the permits you need for a travel day. You don’t want to have any surprises when your pet is at an airport or other place where they might be exposed to dangerous situations.

Many people moving overseas with their pets consider whether or not their dogs will be allowed on airplanes as emotional support animals (ESAs). It’s important to know what counts as an ESA and how best practices should be followed when traveling with one. If you have any chronic diseases or health issues, you should consult your doctor’s (and your pet’s) vet on this topic.

Just like you plan your house moving day and prepare well for it, you will need to prepare everything for moving overseas with pets. It would help if you started getting your pet’s paperwork as soon as you know your moving date.

Do keep your pet’s paperwork organized and up-to-date

You should keep your pet’s paperwork organized and up-to-date. This will make it easier for you to find the correct paperwork when needed and help the veterinarian or other medical professionals with whom they need to communicate.

Make sure you have all the appropriate vaccinations and permits for your pet’s move abroad. Many countries require rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats, so be sure yours has been current since its last checkup (and ensure it gets another one before leaving). Also, look for other health requirements specific to where you’re moving. If you choose a full-moving service, your relocation experts could offer advice regarding this topic.

Keep track of any shots or vaccinations required by law in both the home country AND destination country; these could include rabies vaccinations and spay/neuter certificates required by some countries before entry can occur.


We hope you found the information in this helpful post. If you have any questions about moving overseas with pets or need help coordinating a move for your particular animal needs, please reach out to us! We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have and can provide more detailed advice on how we can ensure that your pet’s transition goes smoothly.